Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Great War-World War 1

           There are four main causes of the Civil War. Each cause played a huge role in the making of World War 1. One cause of World War 1 was Nationalism. Nationalism occurs when a country's people were engulfed with loads of pride for their country allowing their country to become even stronger than usual. Another cause of World War 1 is Militarism. Militarism occurs when a country thrives to build an even bigger army than the one it has currently formed, for an unknown satisfaction. Another cause of World War 1 was  System of Alliances. The System of Alliances became both a cause and a problem because there were few nations that formed alliances behind closed doors and thought of ways to take down the opposing nation. The last cause of World War 1 was Imperialism. Imperialism occurs when a nation takes over colonies. The event that sparked World War 1 was the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the Austria-Hungarian Empire's throne. Executed by Bosnia assassin Gavrilo Princip.
            The United States of America didn't even want to be involved in the war. They had plans to be neutral. However the United States of America was dragged into World War 1 due to two events. One event was the sinking of British boat Lusitania. Germany had somehow found out that there was a British ship that was passing by that ended up being filled with weapons. Germany was not about to risk being killed so they sunk the Lusitania. The Lusitania was filled with about 1200 British citizens and 128 Americans. That made America angry. Another event was the Zimmerman Telegram. Germany made an attempt to send a telegram to Mexico in order to bribe them. The telegram reported that if Mexico sided with Germany so that they will be victorious in the war then in return Germany will restore the land that  the United States of America abducted from Mexico. There messenger was caught by an American spy and when America found out about this they became furious. There were no more chances and on April 6, 1917 America declared war on Germany.
               When we reached the end of the war there was a peace settlement so that both sides would have a mutual agreement. Our passed President Woodrow Wilson created the fourteen points. He referred to the fourteen points as America's war aims. One of the major points was that each nationality should require its own county. The fourteen points also called for freedom of the seas and an end to dealings between countries that were in secrecy. President Woodrow Wilson also made a suggestion that a League of Nations be put into creation to peacefully settle any future mishaps between between countries. The fourteen points were established in 1918. The Treaty of Versailles was what ended the war. This settlement made Germany pay a huge penalty for starting the war and divided the Austro-Hungarian empire into smaller national states. The treaty was somewhat harsh on our opponents. The Treaty also stated that a League of Nations be made. However the United States did not join and that was how they returned to isolationism. I think the peace treaty caused an even bigger rift in the relationship between our countries. In the 1920's and 1930's I feel that World War 2 was a result of the Peace Treaty Settlement. I wouldn't have been happy if there was a peace settlement that was only making me suffer and only had me be penalized and not my opponent. 
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