Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Splendid Little War

                                     Tv Gossip                                                       Newspaper Gossip

           I do think that newspapers and television can create wars. Not all peple watch what they write or say. They don't think before they act which can someday get somebody upset. They might also expose secrets that seriously should've been kept secret. Many people tend to get frustrated when their business becomes shared out in the open for everyone to see, hear and comment about. Unless it's good news which hardly ever gets brought up or spoken about especially on talk shows, TMZ or on interviews. Most things published on the newspaper and looked upon by millions of eyes and spoken on T.V. heard by millions of ears  just bring up the dreadful past that many people try so hard to overcome. Next thing they know it just gets spread out in the world, in fine print, there for everyone to see and hear.

        Flag Of America               Flag Of Europe   
           I do believe that since America won the war that the Europeans should respect them more. For the fact that we won and you didn't. That gives the U.S.A. loads of pride and a higher priority to the British. Whatever rules the U.S. make without a doubt Europe shouldn't even have a hunch to double cross them or go against their wishes.                    

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