Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Splendid Little War

                                     Tv Gossip                                                       Newspaper Gossip

           I do think that newspapers and television can create wars. Not all peple watch what they write or say. They don't think before they act which can someday get somebody upset. They might also expose secrets that seriously should've been kept secret. Many people tend to get frustrated when their business becomes shared out in the open for everyone to see, hear and comment about. Unless it's good news which hardly ever gets brought up or spoken about especially on talk shows, TMZ or on interviews. Most things published on the newspaper and looked upon by millions of eyes and spoken on T.V. heard by millions of ears  just bring up the dreadful past that many people try so hard to overcome. Next thing they know it just gets spread out in the world, in fine print, there for everyone to see and hear.

        Flag Of America               Flag Of Europe   
           I do believe that since America won the war that the Europeans should respect them more. For the fact that we won and you didn't. That gives the U.S.A. loads of pride and a higher priority to the British. Whatever rules the U.S. make without a doubt Europe shouldn't even have a hunch to double cross them or go against their wishes.                    

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tsunami Strikes On Japan


In Japan they are currently scanning babies, toddlers, kids, teenagers,
young adults, adults and elders to see if the radiation from the plant has tapped into their bodies. If it did it will disrupt their bodily functions and cause abnormal dysfunctions which won't turn out to be a pretty sight. There are parents who have safely passed the scanning and are all clear and are worried about their children. Some parents cannot handle the pressure. Most can't even handle the truth but whether they like it or not the truth is what they will have to face sooner or later. Many Japanese citizens are making an attempt to flee from Japan due to the fact that the radiation is spreading into many people's systems. They don't want the radiation to harbor in their bodies and they don't want their lives to be in danger. However it is most difficult to enter or leave out of Japan because of the calamity that occurred on the 11th of March in 2011, but many people are leaving anyway, so prepare to see loads of Japanese people in the U.S.A. They are all traveling by the help of Tokyo's Narita Airport and Mar Haneda's International Airport.

                     The way that they are handling the situation involving the tsunami and the earthquake is by letting all of the citizens in America be assured that the radiation will not be able to reach the east of the U.S.A. One reason why is because the length is too far there is no possible way for the radiation to stretch for thousands of miles that's for sure. However due to the wind from the disasters that occurred there is a slight possibility that the radiation will reach the west of the U.S.A. The Environmental Protection Agency is predicting that the radiation might reach Southern California. Although they are positive that nothing will reach the east of the U.S.A. The Japanese military forces made sure that they dropped sea water on the top of the tsunami so that the calamity won't be as apocalyptic. The Japanese military forces are still dropping sea water on to the location of the tsunami so that the force will calm down and the winds will settle. So far over 7,200 people have been killed so said the news reporter on channel 1 if you have Time Warner Cable and channel 8 if you have Cablevision.

                                The radioactive nuclear power plant is not making the lives of the
Japanese citizens better but so much worse. Many of the Japanese have been diagnosed with radiation or have catched the radiation by default. The radiation has entered the body systems of many Japanese human beings. Some are saying that the reason why the plant released radioactivity is because at the reactor site the plant had high levels of radiation that were not only unpredictable but also unsafe. The Japanese must be very meticulous when handling the radioactivity because one slight change in weather condition can cause the plant to react. Yesterday the levels of radiation had lowered. The people are safe for now. That is all for today I hope you enjoyed it!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

W.E.B. Du Bois VS. Booker T. Washington

               The cause that W.E.B. Du Bois worked for very hard for was for African Americans to have equal rights no matter what. In order for him to do that he founded the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). W.E.B. DuBois formed it so that all colored people would be able to gain equality both legal and economic. W.E.B. DuBois' perspective on how to achieve his goal was that he would get a group of African Americans as a response to the Jim Crow Laws. it was telling the creators of the Jim crow Laws and the members of the Ku Klux Klan that we are not just going to sit back and let you take over no we're going to fight and fight better than we've ever fought before! The only difference between both Du Bois and Washington was that one wanted to show that African Americans should have equal rights through their knowledge (Booker T.) and the other wanted to prove African Americans are better through their knowledge as well but not only ordinary rights as a citizen, he wanted African Americans to have rights both legal, economic and citizen required.
                                The cause that Booker T. Washington was worked for was to provide equality for African Americans through knowledge. He used that way so that all people who prejudice other colored people will see that they should stop and that colored people's knowledge are just as top notch as yours are. To prove this to those of an offensive nature Booker T. Washington founded the Tuskegee Institute. This school is now referred to the Tuskegee University and it resides in Alabama. In the mid-1900s the Tuskegee Institute was just a school for black children but over the years it became a college and its main purpose was just for equality to be spread throughout the nations. it could've been through kindness, meekness, humbleness, forgiveness but a better way was to show Caucasian Americans that African Americans shouldn't be treated any different because their level of knowledge if not higher is just as good as yours basically. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011