Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Attack On Americans' Civil Liberties

Attack on Civil Liberties Cartoon
         My topic is called Attack on Civil Liberties of Americans. There were many ways that the civil liberties of Americans were attacked. For example,the Red Scare. The Red 
Scare came about between 1919 to 1920. In the Red Scare tons of people's civil liberties were attacked. There were communists who were trying to influence workers to overthrow their oppressors. Which is not what should be going on. A communist society wouldn't have been very great for the U.S. as a nation to have progress. The reason why is because as a communist society our nation would be led by the Government. With all due respect the Government cannot handle that big of a Job forever neither can the president. That's the whole reason why they are elected for 4 years max unless of course re-election.
         The reason why this whole event was named the Red Scare was because this was a threat to all immigrants. They were all afraid and Red was because the people that practiced communism were called the Reds and I believe had an army named Reds. The U.S. had put Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer in charge of gathering Radicals. Due to suspicion General Palmer captured and brought in Sacco and Vanzetti. They were immigrants so, he felt that they were the Radicals in charge. However they were really innocent. Sacco and Vanzetti were put into jail and had any right and civilized liberty stripped without their consent. Their sentence was execution. Two innocent immigrants were killed due to suspicion. This was the Red Scare. Only the beginning of a world led by Communists. The Red Scare soon ended a year later due to political cartoons that ridiculed its existence.
My Propaganda Poster:

       This poster is connected to my topic. How it is connected to my topic is because the Americans whose civil liberties were attacked had their freedom automatically stripped from them by the U.S. Government without their consent. Hence the words FREEDOM IS IN PERIL. The Americans who were wrongfully attacked didn't have enough support from the other Americans. Many were too scared of what the government might do to them. We as a nation should've stood up for one another. We as a nation shouldn't have let the government disrespect our own people. We should and we shall DEFEND OUR FREEDOM WITH ALL OUR MIGHT!